Friday, October 14, 2011

Survey of ADMT Lesson Experiences for 2011 (Semester 2)

As part of the ADMT department's efforts to enhance the teaching and learning experiences of students doing ADMT, a survey is conducted separately for both Secondary 1 and 2 students. The survey consists of only 15 questions and should not take more than 10 minutes long. The link to the survey are as shown below:

Secondary Two: Survey Link

Thank You

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Term 4 Week 1: Due for Design Journal & SketchUp Model

Dear Pupils of S207,

Hope you had a good break during the September Holiday. Sorry that I am unable to be around as required to take care of my family. Seeking your UNDERSTANDING.

This is the START of term four and TODAY is the due for your Design Journal and SketchUp Model. I really hope you have completed them during the September Holiday and only required minor changes at this moment. Please remember to submit your work TODAY as any late submission will result in loss of marks/ grade.

Please create a folder, named it as S207_NAME_ADMT_PROJECT2011 and submit to the ADMT submit folder. In this folder, please drop in the files consisting the Design Journal and Models. SketchUp Models can be of different parts, examples MyBuilding, Floorplan and Layout of Special Rooms/facilities.

Have a Good Week Ahead!

Edwin Lim

Sharing my JOY

My Little Princess, Lim Kai Xin was born on 8th Sept 2011, 4.13am.

Friday, May 20, 2011

S207 Trexi Design Participant Details

Dear S207 Trexi Design Participants,

Please fill up the form in this blog post. Your details will be printed on the Certificate for the Trexi Design Competition.

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ADMT Test: 14th April 2011

Topic: Mechanism
Date: 14th April 2011
Time: After CST lesson
Duration of Test: 45mins
Paper: 2Questions, 10 marks each. This paper is 20% of the SA marks.

*Points to note: You are required to sketch and label the mechanism used to solve the scenario in each question. Label your sketches and explain in details how the mechanism works.

1. Gears: Rotations, increasing/ decreasing speed or force.
2. Cam: How it is used to move object/ part of the object up and down. Possible for it to combine with another mechanism to create reciprocating movement?
3. linkage: Opening and closing an object. Creating specific movement by combining with other mechanism.
4. Pulley: lifting of load using compound pulley. possible to use it for transportation of load from point A to Point B?
5. Levers: Different classes of lever and its applications.

* All materials are loaded in the submit folder, Material. You can use these material or the following links for your revision.
How things work
Technology Student
Learn Anything

Good luck for your coming test.

Monday, April 4, 2011

eLearning Lesson 2 by Marcus Au (13)

Image 1 is a nail clipper and is used by applying pressure on the lever and it pulls the base towards the top area, clipping your nail.
Image 2 is a correction tape where the refill is placed onto the gears and you use it by placing the tip of the correction tape on the area and pull it while applying pressure. The gears turn and help to turn the tape.
Image 3 is a scissors and is used by placing one of your fingers in each of the holes and you open and close you fingers, through the fulcrum in the middle, it cuts hat you need to.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Elearning Lesson 2 - Tam Wai Hang

Photo 1: Nail Clipper

The nail clipper is an example of class two lever and reduces the effort needed to use the nail clipper.

Photo 2: Pen Clip

The clip can be attached to another objects. It is another example of a class 2 lever.

Photo 3: Correction Tape

The gears are present in the correction tape to roll out the tape contained in it.

One problem present in the household is the shoe racks are placed below the chairs (Can be seen in photo 4). This makes in hard to get the shoes when one has to bend down to get their shoes. I suggest using a slider to pull the shoe rack out to get the shoes.

eLearning Lesson 2 by Dionne Choo (01)

Friday, March 25, 2011

eLearning Lesson 2 by Sun Jie Min (18) Part 2

It takes a lot of effort to sharpen pencils, especially if the pencil lead is broken, so if the axle of the sharpener is extended, the effort will be reduced and thus, improve the design.

eLearning Lesson 2 by Yeo Jun Jie (21)


1) The Foldable bed has a wide linkage which allows it to fold so that the bed can be folded into a sofa
2) The Bicycle has gears so that it can allow further distance travelled with less force.
3) The peg is a First class lever, which changes the direction of the load with less force required

Part 2: 

When a foldable bed is pulled out, it does not pull out completely and requires effort to pull out completely. The additional part would be a tight spring, so that when the bed is unfolded, it will unfold completely and automatically 

eLearning Lesson 2 by Darius Low (07)

Part 1

Photo 1: As seen in the photos, there are linkages in the study lamp. This allows the lamp to be turned to shine at almost all areas of the table.

Photo 2: Same as Photo 1

Photo 3: The mechanism used in the scissors, where it is a first class lever.

Part 2
At certain households, people use a piece of sloping rubber as a door stopper. There are many problems with this rubber piece. Firstly, if one doesn't use enough force to stick the rubber under the door, the piece of rubber will not work properly as a door stopper. Also, if too much force is used, the rubber may also break and it will no longer be able to function as a door stopper. My suggested solution is to attach magnets to both the wall and the door such that when the magnet on the door and the magnet on the wall are attached, it will take some effort to pull it apart again. (Photo 4)

eLearning Lesson 1 by Darius Low (07)

1a) I made use of linkages to form the oscillating movement. In the photo it isn't very clear as to how exactly the linkages can be seen. Also, the movement of the duck as the wheels roll will be small.

1b) I also made use of linkages to assist in the movement of the stand. Again, it isn't very clearly shown in the pictures.

Darius Low S2-07

Apologies for the late submission. I had competition on Tuesday and had to postpone the IH trip to Wednesday. Afterwards, I had some small difficulties completing the task given, but I have managed to complete it and the above is my end product. Apologies again for the late submission.

eLearning Lesson 2 by Goh Chin Fan (03)

First image: This is a picture of a clock, which uses gears to operate. The smallest gear would be the gear connected to the second hand, as it is the fastest, followed by the gear connected to the minute hand, as it is the next fastest and lastly, the gear connected to the hour hand as it is the slowest.
Second image: This is a picture of my correction tape. It is connected by gears so that it can work. The bigger gear enables the correction tape to be rolled out. There is a small gear between the biggest gear and the smaller gear, which enables both of those gears to rotate in the same direction. The other gear rolls the tape back in.
Third image: This is a gigantic gear system that is found in a Beijing science center.

eLearning Lesson 2 by Sun Jie Min (18) Part 1

eLearning Lesson 2 by Lim Hao Yang (11)

All images are in this link provided due to the massive file size:

Part 1

Image 1 This is a watch. It uses gears, as seen in the image. The gears allow the ratio of seconds to minutes to hours to 12-hours to be consistent, and thus, the time would be accurate.

Image 2 This is a clothes peg. It is a first class lever, as seen in the image. Little effort applied is able to open up the peg, which is held shut by the spring. The spring holds the clip in place when no effort in applied.

Image 3 This is a light switch. It uses cams. Many light switches have a cam surface in them to provide a snap action — a spring applies pressure and once past the high point of the cam, pushes the switch to a notch. This not only keeps the switch in its position, but also allows the user to not need to flick the switch all the way.

Image 4 This is linkages used to support a wall lamp. The extension from the walls is adjustable while allow the lamp to be parallel to the wall.

Part 2

The umbrella is a troublesome tool, yet ever so frequently used in Singapore. When it is raining and people are getting into their cars, the conventional umbrella design forces the user to hold the umbrella high up to close it, before getting into the car. This makes people very wet eventually, which defeats the purpose.

The reversed umbrella closes inwards — the opposite way, which means that the user can close the umbrella while pulling it into the car. Also, when it closes inwards, the water is trapped in the umbrella, not outside, which allows the inside of vehicles to stay dry. Thus, it is perfect for bringing around indoor buildings. This also saves plastic bags issued for wet umbrellas.

Please visit my blog: Design Space @

eLearning Lesson 2 by Tang Wen Yue (20)

Part 1:
1st Photo:
The photo shows a pair of scissors showing the application of a Class 1 lever.When a force is applied to close one end of the scissors the other end will also close.
2nd Photo:
The photo shows the application of a worm gear.When the worm gear is turned,the toothed piece connected to it will move up or down.
3rd,4th,5th Photo:
The photos show linkages,a Class 2 lever and an inclined plane.When the tool is in the "open" position we can clearly see the 4 linked pieces that enable the tool to close and open.The Class 2 lever helps the tool to open after it is closed,with the fulcrum at one end,the load in the middle and the effort at the end.There is a screw at the end of the tool which makes use of the incline plane to move up or down.
Part 2:
The problem situation is when the screen of your MacBook suddenly slams shut for whatever reason,possibly causing damage to your computer and possibly any part of your body.
6th and 7th Photo:
Linkages can be used to improve the situation.When the screen is fully opened,the angle between the linkages is less than 180 degrees,and a piece prevents it from going any further.When a force is applied to close the screen,the linkages will function as a single piece and prevent the screen from closing.

eLearning Lesson 1 by Elgin Low (08)

How it works: the metal strips, as described, is highly expendable during heat. Thus, it will expand and lock the door. To cool it, simply push the lever button back and the metal will be drawn back to cool down, unlocking it.

eLearning Lesson 1 by Elgin Low (08)

1. Correction Tape: The gears are all interconnected, and so the correction tape works well, without jams etc. However, if 1 gear was taken off, it would cause the correction tape to fail.
2. Nail clipper: The lever functions in a way that makes it easy to clip the nails. This makes use of having to apply lesser effort to clip the nails.
3. Nut cracker: The nut cracker works to crack melon seeds (gua zi). This is also using lesser effort to break a larger load. However, it is not sturdy and the seed often falls off.

Task 2 Part 1.

1. Correction Tape: The gears are all interconnected, and so the correction tape works well, without jams etc. However, if 1 gear was taken off, it would cause the correction tape to fail.
2. Nail clipper: The lever functions in a way that makes it easy to clip the nails. This makes use of having to apply lesser effort to clip the nails.
3. Nut cracker: The nut cracker works to crack melon seeds (gua zi). This is also using lesser effort to break a larger load. However, it is not sturdy and the seed often falls off.